... if coming from Redux
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If coming from Redux, we think you are going to be impressed with our Hello Wow! demo
This demo is to showcase Conan State, which are our reusable capsules of state.
If you are familiar with the TODO example from Redux, you might find this article also interesting:
Below we explore in detail the benefits of using ConanJs over Redux.
You can use Conan.light
You can use Conan.state if you want to create your own custom actions.
All the logic needed to update the state is encapsulated inside the action.
Async actions are easy to implement, and you won't need additional libraries
You can invoke the actions directly from the state
In ConanJs state is represented with Conan State, which ultimately is a plain JS object, which means that, as with any other object, you decide how to scope.
Sometimes it makes sense to have global state
But many times, you might feel forced to add it to your global state, or you need to use other mechanisms (setState, hooks...), with ConanJs you can just make your state local.
You can have you state distributed in many smaller states, and then combine it, if you need to
You can just filter the state, or map it
With ConanJs is simple to write logic as a reaction to an state change, we call this state orchestration, and it will help you building complex state interactions.
1) Create state, 2) Perform any number of actions, sync or async, 3) Check the final value of the state. With ConanJs end to end testing is simple
No need to add third party libraries to log out what the framework is doing behind the scenes
This demos will provide you with real world scenarios to use ConanJs
If this was not enough, we have some more features included.