Hello World

Have a look at the simplest example with Conan State.

This is our attempt to wow you, note that this is only a sample of all the different ways to work with ConanState

Easy to create and render

To create a Conan State you only need a name, and optionally, an initial state

//name: counter, initialState: 0
const yetAnotherCounter$ = Conan.light('counter', 0)

Conan has live rendering, meaning, you can inline the state in your renderer.

function render() {
    return yetAnotherCounter$.renderLive (

Easy to update

Every ConanState has two actions available immediately: 'update' and 'updateAsap'.

Let's add some buttons now tow change the state of the counter:

function render() {
    return (<div>
        yetAnotherCounter$.renderLive (
        <button onClick={()=>yetAnotherCounter$.do.update(3)}>
        <button onClick={()=>yetAnotherCounter$.do.update(current=>++current)}>
            increase by one

Note how we can use the update method to either provide a new value, or we can provide a reducer to provide a value that is based on its current value.

Easy to do async updates

Quick fact, with ConanJs you won't need boilerplate code to deal with asynchronous code.

Let's add two buttons to show async updates to the value.

function render() {
    return (<div>
        yetAnotherCounter$.renderLive (
        <button onClick={()=>yetAnotherCounter$.do.update(3)}>
        <button onClick={()=>yetAnotherCounter$.do.update(current=>++current)}>
            increase by one
        <button onClick={()=>yetAnotherCounter$.do.updateAsap(
            Asaps.delayed(3, 1000)
            setValueTo3 - asnyc
        <button onClick={()=>yetAnotherCounter$.do.updateAsap(
            Asaps.delayed(current=>++current, 1000)
            increase by one - async


Easy to derive and compose state

Let's filter only even numbers, and double the current value of the state

    EVEN NUMBERS: {yetAnotherCounter$.filter(it=>it % 2 === 0).connectLive (
    DOUBLE: {yetAnotherCounter$.map(it=>it * 2).connectLive (


What's next?

In 'How to install/use ConanJs' we will show you how to get this code running on your end.

Are you ready to dive in?

Yes, show me more code! https://docs.conanjs.io/tutorials/todos-sync

Yes, I prefer reading up! https://docs.conanjs.io/conan-state

Just let me know how to start using it! https://docs.conanjs.io/how-to-install-use-conanjs

NO! :( Would you mind reaching out to us to let us know how we can improve?

Last updated