Observing Flows


As described on the serialising flows, you should be able to serialise a Flow to a ConanState that suits you, and then leverage all the features of the Conan State to observe it.

We have though some mechanisms to provide you with a shortcut when observing flows

As of v1.0 we only have hooks, but we are planning to add more shortcuts to observe directly flows without having to serialise them



        (status, previousState) => ({
                current: status.name,

This hook receives

  • a flow

  • the method to set the state for this component

  • a function that returns the new state and that takes

    • the status information that has just been updated

    • the previous state


useFlowStatus<AuthenticationState, AuthenticationFlow,"authenticating">(
        (status, previousState) => ({
                currentUser: status[0]

This hook receives

  • a flow

  • the name of the status to subscribe to

  • the method to set the state for this component

  • a function that returns the new state and that takes

    • the state information that has just been updated

    • the previous state

To see an example of hooks, check our demo Authentication

Last updated