The class ConanFlow contains the following methods:
this method allows connecting a Conan state with a React component, using a mapper function to describe the mapping
Input | |
statusName | Type: the STATUS we want to hook into |
Returns | |
StatusDef<USER_STATUSES, STATUS> | The StatusDef object allows to add reactions, invoke transitions, steps and obtain the last ConanState Data |
this method allows connecting a Conan state with a React component, using a mapper function to describe the mapping
Input | |
initialStatus | Type: optional initial STATUS to start the flow with |
Returns | |
ConanFlow | this ConanFlow |
this method creates a ConanState with the state of each status
Returns | |
ConanState<Status> | contains the states for all the statuses |
this method creates a ConanState with the state of the status passed as input
Input | |
status | Type: the STATUS we want to obtain the ConanState for |
Returns | |
ConanState<USER_STATUSES[STATUS]> | ConanState for the status passed |
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